Holistic Nutrition
Holistic nutrition is a modern natural approach to a healthy balanced diet whilst taking into consideration the person as a whole. This includes any acute or chronic health issues, a persons emotional health, spiritual and ethical beliefs, as well as their physical well being.
Holistic nutrition focuses on how food makes us feel. Many people feel tired, unproductive or experience physical discomfort after eating- and while this may be considered ‘normal’- good food should rejuvenate us, keep us healthy, keep us strong and keep us in our prime!
As part of an initial consultation at Asha Holistic Health, you will be asked to keep a diet and symptom diary (either via a recommended app or given an easy to understand hard copy). At the follow up consultation, we look at what foods were consumed, assessing if there are any patterns in foods eaten and possible responses (physical and emotional).
From this we keep what is functional (foods that support your body), what can act as preventative medicine, what is nutrient dense and if these foods are not present, a healthy eating plan is given to slowly introduce these foods into your diet. And it is an eating plan that is suited to the individual (as many patients are busy mum’s who do not have time to make three different dinners at night!) and does not contain only steamed vegetables, alfalfa sprouts and mung beans (even though they are very good for you!).
Nadine regularly hosts workshops around holistic nutrition- seasonal vegetarian cooking ideas and demonstrations, how to eat for hormonal health, how to smoothly transition to a plant based diet etc, plus cooks delicious plant based foods on yoga retreats run by Vinyasa Yoga Wollongong.
Keep an eye out for upcoming events via social media!